Antique and Oriental Rug Sales
Rugs of Exceptional Quality and Value Sharian Garner, Showroom Manager & Design Consultant Sharian offers a large selection of antique (10... See More
Serapi 29646
7.10 x 8.1Agra 22584
8.6 x 15.9Baktiari 27990
4.7 x 6.10Fine Bidjar 28146
3.8 x 5.2Fine Peshawar 30288
8.10 x 11.10Fine Serapi 29645
4 x 4.1Fine Tapestry 21828
4 x 5Fine Tribal 29876
8.2 x 9.10Kerman Runner 17009
2.8 x 12.3Mahal 28134
10 x 13.4Natanz 28236
2.8 x 5.11Sparta 26838
11.10 x 22.9Tibetan 25067
8.1 x 10Angora Oushak 30452
4.7 x 14.10