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How to Pick the Perfect Rug

How to Pick the Perfect Rug

Living with hardwood floors can be so luxurious. Hardwood flooring can give you that warm feeling you’ve always been searching for in a home. But how warm is it actually? During the the winter months or cold spring mornings, that warm feeling hardwood isn’t feeling so warm at all. Not everyone in the family wants to wear socks all day, lucky for you, rugs exist. A rug can help add life to a room that might not have enough color or excitement for you, while providing warmth to your feet at the same time. But how do you pick the right one?

Measure, Measure, Measure

Rug Options

Before you go out and purchase a rug, it is important to have some internal plans. You want to know exactly what room, and where in the room you plan to place this rug. You also need to know the size of rug you are looking for. In order to do this correctly, measure the floor space that you want covered by this rug. Once you do this, you are ready to begin looking for rugs that appeal to your taste.
A rule of thumb is to choose a rug that is two feet shorter than the smallest wall in the room. Dining room rugs offer a different rule: they should extend approximately 18-20 inches beyond the table so that the dining room chairs still stay on the rug. You don’t want your guests to get their chair caught on the rug during the middle of your meal.

Figure out Your Budget

You might think that you’re just buying a rug, how much could it really cost you? The answer depends on the type of rug you are looking for. Rug sales throughout Atlanta vary on the design of rug that you purchase. Oriental and Persian rugs are very popular for hardwood floors, but they can cost you much more than a traditional rug that you would be able to find at any old chain store. Overall, you want to purchase the absolute best rug that you can afford. Proper rugs can last you and your family years, you just have to buy the right one. Experts claim that high quality rugs will wear and actually look better over time, giving your home a more vintage appeal.

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The Other Side

Contemporary Rug in Living Room

Yes, you will be looking at the top of the rug all day long, but the bottom is just as important. Some rugs offer a very pleasing design on the top, one that you simply can’t pass up; but when you get home, you notice the rug is leaving you with nasty remains on your floor. The material on the bottom of a rug is important. They can leave unwanted dust, dirt, and even scratches on your hardwood flooring. Make sure you examine a rug from all angles before purchasing.

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